Jaakko Elovaara 18.04.2018 5 min read

How our customers benefit from iPaaS?

iPaaS is replacing old incumbent data integration software solutions in many industries. We see this happening with accelerating the pace in our focus industries. This change is inevitable, natural, and deserved. What are the benefits modern solutions in data integration bring to the customers and industries? Those vary case by case logically.

Our customers benefit from our iPaaS (integration platform as a service) in the following way: 

- Scalable and supported managed service for business-critical needs

- “Time to market” is very short – things happen fast

- Our team is exceptional and understand the industry (global trade and supply chain)

- Service is constantly developing

- Cost-efficiency and clear, predictable pricing model

Scalable and supported managed service for business-critical needs

Youredi provides a managed service. Customers do not have to even think about technology or development or anything out of their own comfort zone. We run the show and they can require an SLA for the services (onboarding, support, development, etc.). The costs are known, SLA and support are set and they focus on growing core business and ensuring that our service does what it should do, day by day.

The needs are changing rapidly due to the changing world, with accelerating the pace. The managed service must change as well, and adapt to the needs. There is no time to wait for upgrades, versions, deployments anymore, we live in a connected world, where data must be real-time accurate. 

“Time to market” is very short – things happen fast

Many of our customers have backlogs of integrations with their business partners (customers, partners, suppliers, etc.). Why do they have these? And why are the backlogs growing? The answer is that the old, incumbent solutions providers have a very slow process to respond to any needs, and when eventually they start doing something, they are slow (and usually expensive). Too many people involved, no real-time cooperation.

We operate with our customers on a real-time basis during deployments: all data is shared, customers are online with our team members using modern collaboration tools. Everything happens fast; configurations, fine-tuning, fixing, testing, etc.

We work in an environment where we replicate and scale our work. The workload decreases dramatically during the cooperation. This is also visible and tangible in the total cost.

Our team is exceptional and understand the industry (global trade and supply chain)

Technology is technology, but solutions are deployed and supported by people. Our team is committed to delivering value to our customers, our mission is to provide a managed service for data integration with minimal hassle and cost upfront. We strongly believe that the value added long term is the foundation of the managed service and customer relationship. Industry knowledge and open, timely communication are very important in ensuring the service level, proactivity and customer satisfaction. Vendors should not try to hide “the holes in their socks”.

Service is constantly developing

Youredi integration service is not an installed piece of software, it is a constantly developing online service, a utility of data integration. We have a roadmap, release schedules, customer advisory model and very strong focus on developing the world’s most advanced and cost-efficient service for the target market. This target market has the need also, and they have the possibility to influence the service level and functionalities. No forced upgrades, long-lasting and expensive professional services, hardware purchases, etc. this service has it all, simple and hassle-free.

Cost-efficiency and clear, predictable pricing model

Finally, is the cost-efficiency and pricing. The managed service model is simple, it covers all. We want to add value by keeping this financial side also simple and easily understandable. There is no uncertainty how much this “utility” costs for our customers. No risks in forecasting or budgeting. All this transparency enables the fast ROI and quick time to market. Youredi service saves customer’s costs and increases revenue by shortening the time to market with end-customers and business partners. Quantitative facts don’t lie.

 Download the iPaaS Product Sheet


Jaakko Elovaara

Chief Executive Officer (CEO), coneksion®

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